Nurse Doula Birth Keeper Sondra Reher
Pregnancy, Birth & Postpartum Support Tailored To The WHOLE Woman❤️Intuitive Doula-Holistic Birthwork.
Birth is a pivotal moment in women's and families lives, transcending into a world of parenthood and navigating all that comes with bringing a tiny new human earthside.
I believe that pregnancy and birth is a normal physiological process, that when met with support, confidence, trust and authenticity, with the birthing person at the center of care, can be a journey of growth, magic, enlightenment, healing and immense joy!
I am a wife to an amazing man and a momma of two wonderful little humans. I have a background of allopathic nursing experience including mental health and elderly care, which became a catalyst in moving towards more harmonic, naturopathic care for my family and I. I have completed a certified holistic doula program through The Matrona, which has set a foundation for further education and expansion. I regularly participate in workshops and seminars, read a wide variety of perinatal and self-development books, enjoy educational and uplifting podcasts and seek out up-to-date information about the birthing and self-development realm.
I have found my calling in birth work, supporting women in their personal expansion journeys, and it is my desire to provide holistic, whole-person, women-centered care and support.
I am so happy you have found your way here and would be honored to help you transform your perinatal and parenting journey.
(905) 999-1288
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